Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Procrastination Nation

In my Bible, I have a note tucked in there from one of my church friends that is currently in college. On the envelope it says, "Don't stop blogging!!! I'll need something to read every week in college." So thanks, Jonathan. Although I haven't posted a new blog every week, you're part of the inspiration for this one.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a big procrastinator. School started for me a few months ago, and I have already started procrastinating with so many assignments. I've even procrastinated writing this blog post. I've made up constant excuses, but the truth is, none of those are valid. While procrastination may cause some of us to do our best work under pressure, that is usually not the case. Procrastination with anything often puts unnecessary stress us. Not only is it common for us to put off things in school and work, but also with our relationship with God.

In Isaiah 55, verse 6 says, "Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on him while He is near."

In other words, this verse says, "Seek the Lord NOW!"

The concept of seeking God while He is near can be so hard for us to understand; we never think that eventually, it may be too late to do everything we've planned to do.

There's another verse that's very similar to Isaiah 55:6. Joel 2:12 says, "That is why the Lord says, 'Turn to me now, while there is time. Give me your hearts. Come with fasting, weeping, and mourning.'"

In this time of busyness, seek the Lord with all your heart. He is what matters. Here are some tips to help you seek the Lord now, while He is near:

1. Start your morning off with Him.
Wake up ready to read your Bible, ready to pray, and ready to worship. This may include having to wake up a little bit earlier than usual, but if you have trouble getting up, go to bed a few minutes earlier. Not only will you wake up more refreshed, but you'll also wake up ready to seek the Lord. Try spending the first 5 minutes of your morning in prayer, the next 5 in the Word, and the next 5 in worship. It will definitely be worth it!

2. Worship in your car.
Maybe you don't want to be the person singing his or her heart out at a red light, but listening to Christian music in your car can be a way to seek the Lord now, even when you're driving. Listening to encouraging music puts you in a better mood, ready to further the Kingdom of God wherever you are headed. Another variation of this is to listen to podcasts in your car. The good thing about this tip is that it doesn't take any time away from you; since you're already in your car, make use of that time!

3. Disconnect for a While.
I get it; It's hard to seek God first when there's so many distractions calling for your attention every time you look at your phone. To counteract those distractions, try turning your phone off for the time that you read your Bible or pray. This will allow you to give God your full attention; through this practice, God will see that you're trying your best to seek Him first, and He will instill a heart in you that burns for Him. He always meets us where we are.

4. Journal.
I'm a lover of journals and notebooks. Although most of mine sit on my shelf empty, yearning to be written in, I use some of my journals to track what I've been reading in my Bible. By writing down your favorite verses, not only are you more likely to memorize these verses for when you need them, but you're also likely to want to read your Bible more. At least, that's what happens to me. Some of the language I come across in pages of Psalms soaks into my soul and speaks to me directly until I desire to discover more beautiful language about My Father and His ways.

In the midst of busyness, seeking God first can become more of a hassle than a priority. But that's when the problem occurs. It's important for us to sit down and evaluate our priorities. The only thing that matters in the end will be God. Let's aim to seek Him first in all that we do and see where His wonderful majesty takes us. By preventing procrastination, we can show God that we are all His.


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Being God-Obsessed in a Media-Obsessed Culture

Let's face it, the world we live in today is crazy about social media. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and many other sites demand for our attention each and every second of the day. But when we fill their appetite for attention, are we filling God's need for attention too?

For the past week or so, I have gone without social media, and I must say that it has been worth it. When you make a sacrifice such as this, whether big or small for you, God notices. He sees your effort and your intentions, and He meets you in the middle so you can experience the greatness of His love and affection.

Don't get me wrong; social media can be a great thing. But when we become attached to it, certain problems may occur:

1. We begin to see our worth in the number of "likes" instead of the vastness of His love.

Comparison is a game that can't be won. Through social media, we may begin to compare our lives to others' lives based on number of likes, followers, or comments.

We see all the cool activities that others are doing; we see all the endless, flawless selfies.

But what we don't see are all the other pictures that weren't posted; we don't see the outtakes and other things that may have been going on.

When we compare ourselves to other people, we sell ourselves short of the extreme love and grace that God has for us all. God doesn't care about how many likes you get on Instagram. In fact, Mark 10:31 says, "But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then." God's love reaches everyone, and it is not dependent on how popular you are at all.

2. We begin to change ourselves to fit in with our "followers."

We see what pictures get more likes than other pictures. We see what people have more followers than other people. In our efforts to become more popular, more well-known, or more liked, we post what people want.

We have the ability to shape people's perceptions of ourselves through our social media.

Want to be seen as trendier? Awesome. Just post a picture with yourself modeling the latest style.

But God doesn't want that. He wants us to be the same person everywhere we are. This includes our social media.

When we change ourselves to fit in with our followers, we also become prideful, exalting ourselves to show others what we are doing, what we are wearing, or anything of that nature. But the Lord over and over again counteracts pride, saying that the prideful will be humbled and that the humbled will be exalted.

We don't have to exalt ourselves; with the Lord, His love causes us to overflow, and we are lit up "like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden." (Matt. 5:14).

3. We begin to care more about what the people we're "following" are doing than the people we are actually with.

Be where your feet are. My brother loves this saying. Basically, it just means to be present wherever you are and whoever you are with.

Social media can become a major distraction whenever we're with other people. We scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, missing the dialogue. Words are so powerful. We all have the great ability to speak life into anyone at all times, but how can we accomplish that if we're constantly scrolling through social media any time we're with them?

When social media becomes more about the people we're following and less about the people around us at the moment, we've missed the whole point. Actively loving people doesn't come from "liking" their picture; it must come from the heart, and we must presently listen to them so that we don't miss any opportunity.

1 John 3:18 says, "Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." Perhaps if this verse were written in modern times it would say, "Let us not love with 'likes' and 'comments.' Let us be actively loving."

This next week, I want to present some challenges to you.

First, I encourage you to delete some of your social media. You don't have to delete the actual accounts; just try going without the apps. Unplug from the world for a little bit. You won't miss it.

Second, I want you to think about your intentions and motives with your social media. Do you post so that others can think what you're doing is cool? Do you compare yourself to others constantly? Do you find yourself craving more followers?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, go back to the first challenge and start there.

If you answered no to all of those questions, great. Now, think about what your social media accounts are doing to transform the Kingdom. Aim to further the Kingdom of God with every single post you make. Let your social media be all for Him and His glory.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

6 Ways to Become a Better Friend

As mentioned in my first blog post, I have some pretty great friends. And that is so true. All of my friends are extremely important to me, and each of them play such a distinct role in my life. There are some friends that I am closer with than others, and I believe that intimacy with those friends has grown as a result of true Biblical friendship. The Bible stresses real friendships   they help us in so many ways! Here are just a few verses in which the Word of God addresses friendship:

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
"Two people are better than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."

Proverbs 27:17 is short, simple, and to the point. It's a great verse to memorize!
"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."

Proverbs 13:20 
"Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble."

I love these verses. Not only do they show the importance of friendship in itself, but also show the importance of the type of friends we have. 

While it is important for us to be aware of those that we hang around, we also have to be aware of the type of friend that we ourselves are being. Here are some simple ways to become a better friend and form a Godly relationship with others:

1. Listen
Listening is extremely important in any relationship we have; how can we know each others' troubles and thoughts without actually listening to them? You'd be surprised how much you can learn about a person by just listening to what they have to say.

2. Throw Away Your Pride
There's one thing that I think hinders most friendships   jealousy. When you feel any tinge of jealousy come over you, I encourage you to pray and repent to God. He hears you. He feels you. He can help you with whatever insecurity you're going through. And He wants to help you with jealousy in your friendships too.

3. Talk About God
God is so glorious and so greatly to be praised. Instead of spending your time gossiping or talking about irrelevant things with your friends, talk about God. I promise that time spent talking about God will not be wasted.

4. Be Encouraging
As mentioned in the Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 verses, one of the reasons God loves friendship is because it can help a person stay afloat. That being said, we must be encouraging. Discouraging thoughts fill the world today, and encouragement is scarce. Encourage your friends. Help them not only when they're down, but at all times.

5. Sacrifice
Whether it is sacrificing time or sacrificing being able to go to the place you want to, sacrifice is big in friendships. Sacrifice lets your friend know that they are more important than other things in this world that call for your attention. After all, people matter more than any worldly thing. In John 15:12-13, Jesus says, "This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends." Jesus gave the biggest sacrifice ever to us. He laid his life down for you. It will mean so much to your friend to sacrifice one thing for them.

6. Random Acts of Kindness
Leave a note in an unexpected place for them to read. You have to power to make someone's day better, so why not use that power? Your friendship will improve greatly by practicing small random acts of kindness.

This week, I challenge you to become a better friend. You may already be an awesome friend, but there is always room for improvement. Pray that the Lord will convict you in any area that you have been slacking. Pray that He will guide you to be a better friend and that He will help you choose the right friends. Pray that our friendships will not only be for ourselves, but also that they will be all for His glory. 


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

He is Here

A few days ago, I went to the park with a few of my younger cousins and my grandparents. It's this cute little park that has a big fountain for the kids to play in. They absolutely love it. 

As I sat in a chair intently watching my two cousins jump around in the water, another family came to join us   a mother who looked like she had just gotten off work and her two children. Her children promptly ran into the fountain, embracing the cool water on this hot Georgia summer day. The mother went about ten feet away to sit on a bench. She began to check her phone, possibly answering emails or maybe just checking Facebook. The two kids stood at the edge of the fountain, calling out to their mother, wanting her to watch them run through the fountain that is like a skyscraper to a little kid. But the mother didn't look up. They called again and again; eventually, the mother heard them and looked up from her phone. One of her kids said, with the biggest smile on his face, "Watch this!" The mother sat at the bench and said, "Hold on. One minute." She looked back down at her phone. The kids waited. After a minute or two, the mother got up from the bench, and she lovingly watched her joyful children.

Sometimes I feel like the kids.

I call out to God, and I feel like he can't hear me. But the difference between the mother in the story and our God is that God does hear us. He hears us even when we don't necessarily want Him to. 

1 John 5:14 says, "And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him." 

Psalm 34:17 says, "The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles." 

The Lord does hear you. He hears me. But just like the mother told her children to wait, we might have to wait for something from God. Just because He calls us to wait does not mean He doesn't hear our request or our cry out to Him. In fact, the Bible says that those who wait on Him are blessed. 

Isaiah 30:18 says, "So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help." 

When waiting for the Lord, we must be patient like the children of the mother were. Our attitudes should be directed by the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Patience is key when waiting on the Lord.

Sometimes I feel like the mother.

The Lord calls out to me, but I am too occupied to hear. I get distracted easily, diverting my attention from the Lord and what he has to say to me. He wants me to be still to experience His presence. 

Check out Luke 10:38-42. 

To summarize this short story, Jesus visits two sisters. Their names are Mary and Martha. As soon as Jesus enters their door, Mary is at His feet, listening to what He taught. Her sister had a very different response to Jesus' presence.

Verse 40 says, "But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing." 

Distracted. That word definitely describes people today. Just like the mother at the park was too distracted from her phone to hear from her kids, we too get too distracted to hear from God. Social media, technology, clothes, and pretty much anything else tries to grab our attention these days. These things may not be particularly bad, but compared to Jesus we shouldn't be so occupied with these distractions that we do not lose our eagerness to sit at His feet. 

Jesus says in verse 42, "There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her." 

Let us be more like Mary   eager to hear from the Lord and experience Him   in this world that calls us to be more like Martha.


Monday, July 6, 2015

Less World = More God

This past week, I had the opportunity to go to a summer camp with my church. It's a camp in Elijay, GA called Camp Highland. I've gone there the past two summers, and I just have to say that it is seriously one of the best places ever.

At Camp Highland, there is a ton of emphasis on God. Of course, right? It's a Christian camp. But here, they take it to a whole new level. There are no watches (except for the counselors), no mirrors, and no phones. You might be wondering how these things   or better yet, lack of things   relate to God.

First of all, the notion of the campers not having watches allows us to live in the present. Think about all the moments you look at the time, and then immediately feel stressed because you're late for an event. God created time for us, but He did not create it to stress us out. Sarah Young, the author of the Jesus Calling devotional book says it this way, "For you, time is a protection; you're a frail creature who can handle only twenty-four-hour segments of life. Time can also be a tyrant, ticking away relentlessly in your mind. Learn to master time, or it will be your master." When we allow time to consume us, we hinder our ability to go throughout the day worry-free and carelessly. But the Lord calls us to live this way: without worries about what is to come.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.'" If God says that His plans will give us a future and that they will not end in disaster, shouldn't we trust that? Everything God says is true. His plans he has for us all are great; we just have to trust that. To start trusting His plans, I encourage you to live in the present. Don't worry about the time or what's to come. God's got you.

The next thing that Camp Highland does not have is mirrors. To you, this might seem like going a little bit overboard, but it's actually really great. God sees us all as beautiful. In our world today, physical appearance dominates so many people's minds. But God says this: "Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." (Proverbs 31:30). God doesn't look at our physical appearance. He looks at our hearts, our motives, our actions. Instead of focusing on physical appearance, we should be in touch with our hearts in order to grow closer to God.

Finally, the last big distraction in our world is technology. Forms of media from all over are constantly calling out to us; they desire our attention. The world around us and the Kingdom of God are two totally different things. They are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  Wouldn't you rather be immersed in the Kingdom of God, experiencing His truth, His love, and His kindness instead of becoming wrapped up in the chains of media? The Bible warns against gossip and other practices of this world. Romans 12:2 reminds us not to be like the world: "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." To know and learn about His will, we mustn't copy the world.

This week, I challenge you to disconnect from the world. Don't worry about time or physical appearance or media. God wants all of you, but in order to give yourself all to Him, you must break the ties of this world. 


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Stop and Think

Go outside and take a look at the world. Do it. Now. The vastness of the universe amazes me. It's never ending. It's so beautiful.

After you've taken a look around you and acknowledged the work of God, take a look at this link:


And this one:


Wow. Just wow. To me, I cannot look at pictures of the universe like that without praising God. Although some people might think that a God cannot exist after seeing those, I cannot fathom a world, a universe, like ours without a Creator. How could something so beautiful, so perfect exist without someone creating it? I do not believe that the universe could have just happened; I think it is crazy to think that life just happened as a chance.

Psalms 8:3-4 says, "When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers   the moon and the stars you set in place   what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?"

It's crazy to think that the Lord who created everything   the stars, sunsets, galaxies   cares about me. In fact, His love for me goes on beyond all of it.

Psalms 136:1 says, "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His love endures forever." In fact, every single verse in chapter 136 repeats the words, "His love endures forever." Forever. His love is never ending. His love for me, for you, for your enemies, for that girl or guy you just can't stand, his love for everyone is unfailing and endures forever.

Remember those pictures you just looked at? Remember how small you are compared to the whole universe? He singled each and every one of us out, calling us to live a life of purpose and meaning. The God that created the whole universe knows the number of hairs each of us have on our heads. He cares about us; he is here for us. Always. He's never too busy to listen to our prayers or our concerns. He knows exactly what you're going through at this moment, and He wants to help you through it.

As you go through these next few days, dwell on God's great love for you and everyone else. The One who created the universe and beautiful sunsets created you, too. He cares for you like no one else does, and His love endures forever.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Introducing Me

If I'm being honest, I have no idea how to write a blog post, let alone know how to keep a whole blog going. Everything is a learning process. Whether it is learning how to walk, how to sew, or how to start a blog, all of these require patience and endurance to not give up.

Since this is my first blog ever blog post, I have decided to introduce you to myself a little bit.  I may not be that interesting of a person, but I think it's important for an audience to know its speaker. Whether you want to know about me or not, here are 5 facts:

1.  My name is Emily, and I am a senior in high school.  

It's summer, and I already have senioritis....

2.  I have been blessed with the best friends EVER.

No, seriously they're the best.  I have different groups of friends (school friends, church friends), but all of them have a special place in my life.  They are always encouraging, and I cannot thank them enough for that.

3.  I love to play music.

I have been playing the piano for quite some time (maybe about 7 years or so), but have really learned to appreciate music more within the past year.  I play the trumpet in my school marching band, and I also play a little bit of guitar and uke.  I love to write music, but I have not ever finished a whole song.

4.  I try to look for ways to come out of my comfort zone.

I am a firm believer in the fact that God can really work through you when you are drawn out of your comfort zone. This year, I have been doing SO many things that I could have never in a million years imagined myself doing before.  Honestly, this blog is one of those things.  

5.  My sole purpose in life is to glorify God.

I have no idea where my life is going.  I have no idea what I even want to do with my life, but I do know this: God put me on this earth to glorify Him, so no matter what I do, I must give glory to Him. Whether I become a teacher, a nurse, a stay-at-home mom, or anything else, I can bring glory to Him.  This is true for you, too.  It does not matter where you are in life; you can always bring glory to God. 

So, to start off this blog, there are a few things about me. But I want you to understand this: this blog is not about me at all. Everything is about God. It is all for Him. Because I am all His.
